
02 科学技术(1 / 7)

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  02 科学技术
  carl feels pitiful that steve jobs died of disease.
  carl: it's really a great pity about the death of steve jobs. he is such an outstanding man.
  henry: as the ceo and one of the cofounders of apple, he had made great contributions to the world.
  carl: have you got the apple's products?
  henry: yes, i bought an ipod last year. it is very good. the tone quality is excellent.
  carl: the iphone 4s is on the market now. the functions of this mobile phone are rather powerful. there's no need of a pc any more if you have this. i'm eager to get one. but i just got a cell phone several months ago.
  卡尔:iphone 4s现在已经上市了,这部手机的功能相当强大。如果有了它,就用不着电脑了。我很想要一个,但是我几个月前刚买了一个手机。
  henry: the ipad is good as well, very portable and easy to operate.
  carl: i'm waiting for the unveiling of the ipad 3.
  卡尔:我在等ipad 3的问世呢。
  henry: yes, it is worth expecting. but jobs's death may have some influences to this new product.
  carl: maybe, hoping the ipad 3 also can be designed following jobs' theory.
  卡尔:也许会,希望ipad 3也能按照乔布斯的理念来设计。
  1. outstanding [aut?st?ndi?] adj. 杰出的,显著的
  2. cofounder [k?u'faund?] n. 共同开办人,共同创立人
  3. function [?f??k??n] n. 功能;v. 运行,起作用
  4. portable [?p?:t?b?l] adj. 便于携带的,手提式的,轻便的
  5. operate [??p?reit] v. 操作,运转;动手术;经营
  6. unveil [??n?veil] v. 揭露 ↑返回顶部↑
