
02 科学技术(3 / 7)

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  dan: hope this is just a science fiction and would never happen in real world.
  1. title [?taitl] n. 题目;称号;片名
  2. plot [pl?t] n. 故事情节;密谋
  3. clone [kl?un] n. 无性繁殖,克隆;复制品;v. 克隆
  4. confused [k?n'fjuzd] adj. 困惑的,惶惑的;混乱的,乱七八糟的,杂乱的
  5. fantastic [f?n?t?stik] adj. 奇异的;极好的;不现实的
  6. wicked [?wikid] adj. 邪恶的,恶劣的,缺德的;淘气的
  7. absurd [?b?s?:d] adj. 荒谬的,荒唐的
  8. reproduction [?ri:pr??d?k??n] n. 繁育,生殖;复制
  the advantages and disadvantages of genetically modified food:
  advantages: it can increase crop output per unit of area to reduce producing cost.the transgenic technology can increase the pest-resistant and antiviral ability of the crop. it can also improve the storability of the agricultural products, and extend the refreshing time.
  disadvantages: a number of studies show that genetically modified foods will damage the immune function of mammals.
  it's time for lunch. kim and matt are talking while walking to the dining hall.
  kim: it is said that the shenzhou-8 manned spaceship launched in november.
  matt: yeah, i've heard of it. the aeronautical technology of our country is developing at a very fast speed now. the tiangong-1 have just launched successfully in september.
  kim: tiangong-1 is the first unmanned space module in china. it is really a breakthrough.
  matt: yes, it is worth memorizing. and the shenzhou-8 and the tiangong-1 completed the first space docking. ↑返回顶部↑
