
02 科学技术(6 / 7)

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  mike: i have been attracted deeply now. i will visit hong kong by myself one day for sure.
  1. cheerful [?t?i?ful] adj. 欢乐的;令人高兴的,使人感到愉快的
  2. linger [?li?g?] v. 逗留,留恋徘徊,继续停留;缓慢消失
  3. vitality [vai?t?liti] n. 活力,生命力;效力
  4. enterprise [?ent?praiz] n. 进取心;(艰巨的)事业
  5. ancient [?ein??nt] adj. 古代的;古老的,年老的
  6. profound [pr??faund] adj. 深度的,深远的;见解深刻的,深奥的
  burj al arab, dubai
  burj al arabis a 5-star(often misleadingly referred to as 7-star)luxury hotel located in dubai, united arab emirates. it's 321 meters high(1,053 ft), and it is the fourth tallest hotel in the world. burj al arab stands on an artificial island 280 meters(920 ft)out from jumeirah beach, and is connected to the mainland by a private curving bridge. it is designed as a sailing ship.
  burj al arab was designed by british architect tom wright. the design and construction were accomplished by canadian engineer rick gregory.
  ufo is always the topic people are glad to discuss. john and david are talking about this topic.
  john: it has been many years since america's first landing on the moon. i'm wondering why there's no second moon landing plan by any country till now.
  david: i have read some adventure records books about the moon landing. it seemed that the astronauts had encountered the ufo on the moon.
  john: oh, it is one piece of the movie transformers 3. maybe it is the megatons.
  david: the film is just based on a fiction.but i think ufo do exist. the aliens must have visited the earth for many times.
  john: i agree with you. many people have witnessed the ufo in many places around the world. some of them are illusions. but i don't think all of them are just unreal.
  约翰:我也这样觉得。世界很多地方都有人目击过不明飞行物。一些目击事件是错觉,但我认为不是所有的情况都是假的。 ↑返回顶部↑
